About the Layer palette

The Layer palette is a visual map of the layers in your document. Choose Window > Layers or press F11 to open the Layer palette. Layers are displayed as a stacked list of names; the first created layer is at the bottom of the list, and the most recently created layer is at the top of the list. Nested layers are displayed as names connected to parent layers. Click the expander arrow to show or hide nested layers.

Use the Layer palette to prevent overlaps, to change the visibility of layers, to nest or stack layers, and to select one or more layers.

To nest a layer within another layer, see Nesting layers.
To select one or more layers, see Manipulating layers.
To change the stacking order of a layer, see Changing the stacking order of layers.
To change the visibility of a layer, see Changing layer visibility.
To prevent layers from overlapping each other, see Preventing layer overlaps.